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The Top Ethernet vendor.
The top router vendor.
EnterpriseNetworkingPlanet provides practical advice and news for running and managing an enterprise network. In-depth articles and news cover topics such as network management, network monitoring, servers, communications, Internet telephony, operating systems, and much more.
Open Networks Today
Networking news moves at a fast pace, and Open Networks Today lets you keep up with it. Open Networks Today offers its readers the ability to control how news is presented through customizing content filters, discussions, and news feed links.
The Truth About Servers
What makes a server a server? Is there a difference between an e-mail server and a messaging server? Should a firewall be considered a server in certain circumstances? These questions and more are answered in an extensive tutorial that cuts through the marketing hype and explains the basics of key server types.
Ultimate Guide to Networking
Introduction to networking, a run-through of networking terms and lingo, and descriptions of networking hardware.
Communications News Home page
An electronic magazine that provides articles containing practical information on today's corporate communications networks.
Computer and Communications Standards
Comprehensive collection of links to telecommunications standards and information pages.
Direct Connect
Contains information on how to network two computers on any Windows platforms using an inexpensive cable. Includes illustrated guides for use of interlink, direct cable connect, and remote access service. This form of networking is useful for transferring files from a notebook computer to a desktop, transferring files to a new computer, or sharing a printer.
Greater Boston Network Users Group
This organization is dedicated to helping members understand, use, and manage computer networks. They offer links to information on their organization, as well as network reference sites.
Lucent Technologies home page
Site of Lucent Technologies and offers links to their range of services, consumer products, programs, and company information.
Network Magazine Online
Offers an excellent collection of articles, tutorials, product guides and news and analysis.
Network Professional Association (NPA)
Contains organization and membership information, along with links to technical resources, training and certification, journals, and news.
Network Standards Organizations
Descriptions and links to the major international, regional, and national network standards institutes.
Optical Networks Tutorial
Excellent overview of optical networks. Addresses questions and explains the technologies, architectures, and market trends for emerging optical networks.
Protocol Dictionary
Information on all network protocols, including a precise overview of the protocol, a detailed protocol format, related protocols and reference links.
Provides solutions that monitor distributed applications enterprise networks
NetScout Systems is the industry leader in providing standards-based solutions that monitor distributed applications from end to end across enterprise networks. NetScout’s family of products provide the broadest view of your enterprise network, regardless of its topology.
The Information Technology Professional's Resource Center (ITPRC)
Provides links to technical information relating to data networking, networking, and career management information. The site also includes message and chat areas for IT professionals.
The PC Technology Guide
Outlines the principal networking technologies in general and the various solutions devised to support home networking in particular. Includes graphics, diagrams and an integrated glossary.
What Network Do You Need?
An overview of the different types of networks possibilities, from peer-to-pear to client/server, and what kind of products you need to run them.
Yahoo!'s communication and networking index
Yahoo!'s directory of communications and networking.
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